The Delight stage of the member lifecycle journey is focused on nurturing long-term relationships and creating raving fans through emotional engagement.
Furthermore, the Delight stage is focused on creating a strong sense of community that reaches far beyond the walls of your facility.
Good clubs become great clubs when they master the transition from Engage to Delight. This stage includes more of an emotional component and is more focused on nurturing long-term relationships.
Where the Engage stage is more focused on building traction, increasing attendance and upselling through personal and community engagement, the goal of Delight is to create raving fans who clubs not only retain, but who also act as a consistent source of referrals.
This stage demands meaningful human interaction, especially from club leaders to both members and staff. The concept of community is not new in our industry, but what is new is the integration of technology into the process of community building. Technology enables people in the club to have more interaction by savings owners, operators and staff time on admin work.
Pro Tip: Many clubs are missing an opportunity to “delight” because of the big box model. Delight strategies should be customized to fit each micro community within your club; for example, tennis groups, yoga circles and swimmers.
Your member management solution should allow you and your entire staff to get in front of members to request feedback, encourage referrals, express gratitude, acknowledge achievements and build relationships. Club Automation empowers the Member Lifecycle Journey at every stage: Attract, Convert, Manage, Engage and Delight.
Learn how you can master this journey, schedule a demo today to see the leading club management software.