3 Ways a Tennis Program Improves Club Retention

Club Automation


January 31, 2020



minute read


January 31, 2020

It’s easier to keep current members happy than it is to attract prospects and sell new memberships.

Your cost of new member acquisition speaks to this fact. The problem is that, according to IHRSA, the average health club sees a 28.6% annual attrition rate. To consider how such a loss of membership impacts your club, you only need to look at that number in terms of your current membership base. The total projected revenue loss is staggering.

Club operators need to be concerned about member retention. Delivering exceptional customer service while providing the classes and equipment members want, are obvious ways to improve retention. Your tennis program is another asset in terms of retaining club members, yet it’s one that many club operators fail to consider.

Sure, you might have a tennis program, but are you and your staff doing everything you can to make it a strong element of your club’s overall member retention strategy? Hopefully, your answer is yes. Investing in your tennis program will improve your club’s retention, and we have a list of three reasons why this is the case.

Tennis Programs Attract Tennis-Only Members

The options for tennis lessons and league play often come down to a city rec program, usually staffed by young, inexperienced tennis coaches, or a local health and fitness club like yours. By offering an active tennis program, you’re more likely to give people a reason to join your club and pay general club membership dues.You’ll also win the additional tennis revenue, like court rental and lesson fees.

By monitoring your attendance and per member sales data, you can see just how many tennis players never use the rest of your facility or services. Often, that number is quite eye-opening. Maintain a great tennis program, and you’ll retain tennis-only members.Conversely, if the quality of your tennis program starts to decline, you see those members leave for something better.

Tennis Programs Provide Social Connection

Tennis is inherently social because you need at least two people to play. That characteristic benefits other club programs, which helps improve your retention. Specifically, members who meet on the court tend to extend their social activities beyond match play.

For instance, moms that play together often put their kids in club youth programs together, like swim lessons or martial arts classes. Then they all eat at the café when everyone is done. These expanded touch points make members sticky, or less likely to leave. They’re using more of your club’s services, so they’re more invested in their membership.

Additionally, an IHRSA study found that people who make friends at a health club feel far more favorably about their membership, going so far as labeling themselves as club “promoters."  As you can guess, the benefit of these brand ambassadors in terms of retaining members is enormous.

Tennis Programs Improve Participation in Fitness Programs

Once someone starts playing, they become aware of how necessary fitness is in tennis. You can’t win matches if you get winded chasing the ball or pull muscles each time you step onto the court. Whether it’s a need for better cardiovascular health, overall strength or flexibility, club fitness programming can and will support the attainment of tennis related fitness goals.

It’s not unusual to see people who meet on the court take fitness classes together, which once again extends the on-court sociability, expanding touch points and improving retention. This buddy system also provides an element of accountability. Tennis partners check in on one another, making it more likely they maintain their membership and use of the facility.

This point is confirmed by IHRSA when they revealed that the risk of cancelation is 56% higher for members who work out alone, as opposed to those working out in a class or with someone else.

Learn how tennis club management software with Club Automation can improve your club's retention. Book a demo today.

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