“It’s very important for clients of all ages to learn how to properly exercise, and our job as trainer’s is to educate them on how to do just that.” – Brad Buchholz, General Manager, Big C Athletic Club

The General Manager of The Big C Athletic Club in Concord, CA doesn’t only want to train his members; he wants to educate them on how functional exercise is integral for everyday life. That’s why GM Brad Buchholz took the risk of shutting down his club for three months to completely renovate The Big C Athletic Club and install a state-of-the-art functional fitness training room. We spoke with Buchholz to gain clearer perspective on what went into building the room, and ultimately, what the response has been since its inception.
“The motivation behind the idea to bring a functional space to life was, for me, strictly education and motivation for our current members as well as new members and clients,” said Buchholz. “Creating a space that was full of new and exciting equipment and accessories was the main priority.”
Taking the vision for the room, and ultimately the execution of it, turned out to be a process that Buchholz didn’t initially anticipate. But as the famous saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in one day.”
“We were closed for all the renovations for about three months. In the beginning of planning and designing the room, a lot had to go into it,” Buchholz revealed. By the end of construction, Buchholz and his team had transformed the look of the room; tearing down walls, installing platforms into the ground, and laying a 12’X100’ turf field.
In the end, the juice was worth the squeeze.
When the room was completed, and members could start using it, Buchholz set out to accomplish his original goal; to educate his members on the benefits of functional fitness training. When done properly, functional training is a great tool to get in better shape, maintaining a practical standard of living, and preventing long term injury.
“The vision ultimately is to provide exceptional service, in both personal and group training, as well as the other services we provide. The Big C is a place for our members to come to not only work out and get fit but also to interact with both our staff and members,” Buchholz concluded.
By building this room, The Big C continues to be a strong pillar for the Concord health community. Their vision to improve the lives of their members and the community sets the tone to champion healthy living in the area.
“Having a room like our functional room will only be the icing on the cake. No one in the area has a room like this and people really need to come in and check it out in person.”