We’ve been looking at data on national trends over a number of different data points, but today, we’re actually showing it to you. In this webinar, we also walk through our Performance Analytics product in this webinar. It’s something we have seen as an invaluable tool during COVID-19. We all know that data is important, which is why we have built a business intelligence tool for clubs.
Join Club Automation founder, Jeff VanDixhorn, and Director of Research, Analytics & Insights, Constance Miller, as they walk through the Performance Analytics product and the latest club industry data trends.
Short on time? Here are the takeaways:
- Performance Analytics can give clubs information on “percent to normal” metrics in member check-ins, new joins, cancellations, and holds.
- When you look at data, you constantly have to ask yourself, “what’s the action it drives me to?” With a tool like Performance Analytics, you can make sure every decision you make is backed by data.
- Not only can you save these reports, you can email it out and you can schedule that email to recur to whomever you want. You can also export to either PowerPoint or Excel for the entire view.
For the full webinar, read below or play the recording above.
Maria Morton: I’m really excited to have Jeff and Constance on the webinar today. Many of you guys are familiar, have heard Jeff on webinars. He is the co-founder of Club Automation and CRO of Club Automation and CSI Spectrum, and also a club owner. As we’ve just mentioned, he recently opened a club, one of his clubs, on Monday. Constance, very excited to have Constance on this webinar. She oversees all business intelligence and data solutions across Daxko. In this conversation today, we’re going to have two people that love the industry and love data. I’m confident that it’s going to be a really exciting conversation. With that, I’m going to go ahead and pass it over to Jeff, who will take it from there.
Jeff VanDixhorn: Cool. Yeah, thanks, Maria. It is awesome to have Constance on with me today. I have to let you all know that the data that I’ve been sharing over the last seven weeks Constance has been feeding me on a regular basis, and we have spent more time in data than I could ever imagine, so super excited to talk about this with her today.
I’m really excited about this webinar for a couple reasons. One, we’re going to get an opportunity to walk you through and show you the data that we’ve been talking about. Every week, I’ve been doing a video giving you data on national trends over a number of different data points, but today we’re actually going to show it to you. Then the second part of the demo, even more excited about, we’re going to show you our new product, Performance Analytics. It’s something we have seen as an invaluable tool during COVID-19 and we’ve been showing you that and talking about it, but now we have something that we can actually put in your hands.
We all know that data’s really important, I’ve had many conversations with all of you around data and the importance of data. It was interesting, about two years ago, we were really looking at how do we provide the right data which creates the right business intelligence tools for all of you. The easy way to do that would be to add some visualization to our reporting, take the existing reports, put on some graphs or some charts, et cetera. We did not take that route. We took the long route.
About 18 months ago, we had a group of engineers and data scientists start a project, which has come to fruition, and you’re going to get a chance to see that today. Really building a platform or a product that allows data to not only be drilled into, but it allows it to be compared, it allows it to be visualized, and we really believe that in this format, it is going to really be a huge asset to the clubs that we work with to provide the insights and analytics that you need to make an intelligent decision.
First half of the webinar, walking through some trends, and second half, looking at Performance Analytics. Then we do want to leave some time at the end for Q&A to answer your questions. With that, we’ll jump into some of the data that we’re looking at right now and the trends that we’ve been looking at on a weekly basis. Constance, you mind starting with check-ins and tell us how we’re trending there?
Constance Miller: Yeah, absolutely. Just to give a little bit of context to what you’re looking at here, we wanted to provide you two ways to think about this. One is year to date, and that’s, if you can see the screen, what you have on your left, kind of the obvious story that’s happened this year with check-ins and other usage. Then the right, it’s actually the same information but since we saw COVID moving data for really everyone in clubs or facilities across the nation. What we’ve really been seeing is that obviously that’s low, not surprisingly. The story is the movement of the data and what we’re seeing. If you can look in that bottom right corner, we’re starting to go from a drop and we’re inching back up. Certainly, that speaks to more engagement with the clubs because we’re talking check-ins. But what that truly means, compared to normal, is we’re about a little bit below 4% of normal check-in activity.
JVD: Yeah. Right now, we’re at a 4%. If a normal is 100 check-ins, we’re running about four check-ins or 4% of normal.
CM: That’s a great way to think about it.
JVD: Yeah. Again, Constance, this data, we’ve talked about this. We’re starting to see that trend out. I think even from the chat today we’re seeing that clubs are opening or starting to open. We’re seeing movement in that direction, and we’ll continue to watch this stat. I think another interesting point of data here is on the left, where you look at the beginning of the year and our check-ins were trending higher than the year before normalized.
CM: Yes.
JVD: Again, it shows that we were in a really healthy state in our industry. Again, the hope is and the anticipation on our side is that we’ll get back to that spot over time. The other thing, Constance, we’ve been looking at is membership statuses. We’ve been looking at three categories. We’ve been looking at active membership statuses, and then we’ve been looking at holds, cancellations, and then recently we started looking at joins. Maybe walk us through what we’re seeing on membership holds.
CM: Yes. What we’re seeing on membership holds, this visual tells a story in and of itself. In April, we saw an almost, I want to say, unprecedented spike in the number of holds. Really, the score to what this means post-COVID is, yes, that is a spike. Where we stand now nationally, that equates to a little bit more than two and a half percent of members moving to hold. If I was active before COVID, since then I may be part of that spike, and now we’ve got about, what was our active membership, about two and a half of them still being on hold.
JVD: Right. And then cancellations or terminations?
CM: Yes. Cancellations and terminations, as you can see, this is a very interesting graph. There’s a lot of movement on this. Again, a reminder that that blue line is this year and the black line is last year. You’ll see they have kind of swapped throughout the year on this, some interesting behavior, like you were talking about before. Cancellations, it tells right at a glance it’s up, that’s not surprising to this year. The story of, again, what that means, what that equates to, as the score so far since COVID, is that we’re only about four and an eight, excuse me, 4.8% of those members who were active when COVID started have canceled or terminated.
JVD: Yeah. Just to pull that all together, and we’ve been talking about this every week, we do believe that membership status is an indication of are people going to come back to the club when we reopen or maybe a short period of time after we reopen. Right now, just to pull all that together, we still have 92.7% of members are in an active status, holds are at 2.5%, and cancellations are at 4.8%. Again, to Constance’s point, if you listen to my weekly videos, the holds and the cancels have moved back and forth a little bit. But we’ve stayed really steady in that 92% to 93% of active membership statuses.
CM: Yes.
JVD: The next one we just started looking at was joins, Constance. Do you mind just walking us through the data there?
CM: Sure. Again, just to tell the full picture here, since this has definitely changed pre versus post-COVID, we’ve got that full year view since January on the left and since COVID on the right. Joins, not surprisingly, are down, all of the very clear different behavior that would be happening over the last couple months around join. If you follow that blue line, it is trending down. You can see we’re down. The story here, though, is that so far in May, believe it or not, even that blue line … If you look at the raw data, you can see we’ve got this huge gap in April, if you can zero in, where you see a big bubble there. That was a very big difference between this year and last year in terms of new joins. On the whole, May, even despite that trend line down there, May is doing better than April in terms of new joins overall.
JVD: Yeah. Year over year down, but the number of joins in May is more than the number of joins in April. Again, our anticipation, it’s a positive sign, the clubs are reopening, that we’re moving back in a direction towards more joins. Interestingly enough, Maria mentioned we opened one of the clubs that I own in Wisconsin on Monday, and just our really, again, single point of reference data was in the first two days, we had 25 joins, 50 holds, and 10 cancellations. Again, one location, one point of data, and, again, as we talk about comparing data and go through this, it is in line with what we’re seeing and in talking to some other owners that are opening their facilities. And, again, we’ll really watch this. I think these numbers will become really interesting as we move one through the June 1 EFT where a lot of clubs are going to then start running their EFT and memberships for the month of June going forward.
But, again, good information. Hopefully, this is helpful for all of you as you continue to navigate through. The next one that we actually wanted to talk about was revenue. Obviously, for club operators, all of the data points that we went through before this are very interesting. Ultimately, it equates to revenue, hopefully. I did want to just walk through the data on revenue, Constance, which is something that we’ve been looking at a little more closely lately.
CM: Yes, yes. As you can see, again, just pulling out that blue is this year and the black line is last year, it’s dropped. We’ve experienced an elevation drop in overall gross revenue. The interesting thing about this visual is really two-fold. It is still following the revenue curve. Unlike where we saw year over year behavior varying quite a bit, we’re seeing it mimic the ups and downs of last year, just at a much lower level. That last part, again, if you see what’s happened in the last week, and on the right-hand side, that’s change week over week, you can see the elevation is changing. That is going up quicker. The other point to know is what this means for us year to date compared to normal. This drop really does represent around … We’re about a little bit more than 20% where we normally are so far for May.
JVD: So, 20% of what would be normal-
CM: Normal.
JVD: for average revenue across the country?
CM: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
JVD: Yep. What’s interesting, too, about this … And obviously these little spikes here are around EFT runs, right? Again, when I look at this and I say, “Okay, in April we were obviously well below last year” … This was our trend on the April EFT, which is memberships going forward, as we all know, and incidentals coming from the backend that contribute to that, not a lot of daily activity or money that was coming in with revenue day to day. Then in May we’re higher than April. Again, attribute that mostly probably to activating more memberships in May because that’s a go forward revenue than we had in April. Then, like Constance said, there is a positive trend. These are the day in and day out point of sale transactions, people maybe buying at the point of transaction, a PT session or a tennis lesson or something that’s happening at the club. Again, our hope and our anticipation is when we get to the June EFT bubble, that we will see a higher bubble than May because, again, more activity in May will help from that revenue side and then hopefully we’re turning on more memberships for June, which will increase that bubble.
CM: Exactly.
JVD: Right. Next slide? Constance, this is interesting data, right, and we’ve been showing this data in relationship to national trends, and you and I have had a lot of conversations around data and the importance of data. I always have conversations with people that are looking for data, and the question I always ask, “Well, what are you going to do with that,” right? I would love for you just to share as a data scientist and person who lives in data why is it important to compare an individual club, for the people that are on this call, data to a national trend or regional trend, maybe a like club trend? Why is that important?
CM: Well, you’re asking a great question. I do love data. I obviously work with this every day. Data itself is not valuable. It is the compared to what. It’s the movement of the data or, really, what I can put it up against to know what it means. We all would just see right here, there’s an uptrend. Am I going up? Am I going down? The same thing would apply to the national metric. I know my movement. What is the country looking like? Or to your point, what is a club like me looking like? We all know that our numbers have changed. Are mine changing in the same way?
JVD: Yeah. I think we’ve really experienced that over the last eight weeks. I know for even myself; I live in my own world. I network with a certain group of people, and I can start to put together assumptions based on really limited information, right? Being able to see this national data has been really helpful, and I think we’re seeing that more than ever, to the point that we’ve had clubs that have used this data to go back to banking relationships and things like that as they’ve navigated some of their financial situations. The other point of comparison, too, is, I think, data relative to goals, right, or KPIs. How do you see that from a data standpoint?
CM: Well, I think from what you just said, if we can have the data moving and we can understand what it means, or have a comparison that puts it in context, and then we can measure it against a goal or even help us redefine do we have the right goal based on what the data is telling us.
JVD: Yeah, for sure. All right. I think it’ll be fun. Let’s get into the highlight of the webinar, I think, and move onto Performance Analytics. Again, as I introduced, this is a product that we’ve been working on, birthed about two years ago and actively working on with the team. Thank you, Constance, by the way for your amazing work and your team on this, Performance Analytics. Constance, would you just introduce for us exactly what does this mean?
CM: Yes. I would be happy to. It is a business intelligence, so we’d go back to that, the intelligence around data truly in the palm of your hand. It is your most important key performance indicators and visualization of counts of people and counts of money the way that you would want to count them. You can have it on a mobile device, you could have it on a desktop, to really get that sense of how am I doing with operational health metrics and how do I compare.
JVD: Right. Yeah, and I just need to take a step back. And, again, a huge thanks to you and your team. This is a product that we were looking to release end of 2020, and I know your team worked overtime initially to provide the data that we could be sharing with our customers, right? Then the step after that, and this is what we’re talking about now, to not just be able to provide that data on a national level and show the trends but also then to release this as a product, so each club can use this themselves on an individual basis. Again, a lot of appreciation as a club owner and then on behalf of all of our clubs for fast-tracking this.
Next slide? Constance, I think it would be really helpful, as we’ve talked about, to show some of the uses of this data. I know there’s a ton of data, there’s a ton of ways to sort it. We’re just scratching a couple use cases. But just walk through maybe some high-level use cases of how data is used at a club level.
CM: Absolutely. To start with here with memberships, there are … It’s important to keep a pulse, obviously, on the number of members that we have. We’ve certainly been watching this, like you said, with the COVID trends. The way that I would interact with my memberships here is you can see it at a glance, you can see it over time, and, also, you’ve got some time filters there that you can manipulate, and how you count this data would be very important. I want to keep a track of my active memberships, but maybe I want to quickly touch a button and exclude all of my staff memberships, for example. And then we have more of that that I think we’re going to show in a bit, which I’m excited to get to.
JVD: Yeah, I know. I know you’re itching to show all the [crosstalk 00:18:10]-
CM: I think my smile is getting bigger.
JVD: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, let’s go to the next one, and we’ll pull up a few, if you want to go through these.
CM: Okay. Yes, gross revenue. We mentioned counts of people, counts of money. This is the counts of money. Very similar to the concept of I’ve got some date regions I can play with, and that is always important. How am I doing over time? This is a great visual because this is an example of if this was real club data, we’ve got some test data here, but it would be this club on the left and the national trends on the right. Assuming this was real information, we might say, “Hey, we all know, look at Q1, this is January through March of this year. I know I went down, but compared to national, I’m actually, in this case, I’m doing better overall and that’s interesting.” We also notice we’ve got some arrows on the drop-down left there that we’ll show in action later. I can have that deeper conversation of type of revenue from here, so I could not only change the time comparison, but I can change the revenue sources that I have coming in to examine what’s really driving this.
JVD: Yeah. Just to be clear, you can do a comparison to a national number. You could also do a year over year comparison at your own club, group, or by-club, et cetera.
CM: Yes. Down to the facility location, correct.
JVD: And accounting groups.
CM: Yes.
JVD: [inaudible 00:19:34].
CM: Yes.
JVD: Next slide?
CM: Okay. As we talk about counts of people and counts of money, one of the things that we’re very familiar with, with money in particular, is money in the door, money out the door. That is a great way to look at operational health. People in, memberships in this case, in the door and out the door. We talked about joins and cancellations earlier. This is really that movement of people back and forth, and so another operational health metric I know a lot of us look at is are we bringing in more than we’re losing. We certainly want to look at that in terms of money but also in terms of memberships themselves.
JVD: Yeah. No, really helpful. And, again, these are just, you guys, some ideas. Obviously, Constance, you know that there’s all kinds of ways to dissect and move this data around, and we just want to show you a couple different examples just to trigger some thoughts on your end. Next slide?
CM: Yes. Last but not least, we have a concept of engagement, kind of broadly speaking, usage of your clubs or facilities. There are so many different ways, you brought this up earlier, Jeff, where as a member I may interact with my club or facility that I belong to. Check-ins is a classic one. There are other ways that can show that I am actively using my membership, which is a great leading indicator of something like retention. What you really see here is you got a bunch of choices of you can see on the left beyond check-ins to be able to segment your member engagement by attendance or registrations, appointments which they may have made, purchases which they would’ve had to have been in person to make, et cetera. It will continue to have that information on the left, like you said, year over year over time, whatever time choices are made, compared to what that exact same information looks like on a broad scale on the right.
JVD: Yeah. No. And, again, just to reiterate, it can be used on a tablet, a computer, a phone, all of that.
CM: Yes.
JVD: Correct. I think what’s when you see this and it’s really powerful as an operator is when you see the different check boxes and the ability to manipulate that data is really critical. There’s one thing we have seen, there is not two clubs that will want the same data. Every club we talk to, and, Constance, you know this, wants the old days of static reports, right? Everyone’s looking at information just a little bit differently, and back in the day, it was like, all right, by the end of a five-year period, you’ve got 450 reports. Really, we’re trying to bring that back to people’s ability to control the data that they want to get from fields and filters.
CM: Absolutely. You just said that this is all … I think you said the word interesting, and if I were looking at this with fresh eyes, it’s interesting but it matters to me if I can do what you just said, if I can control the counts of when we say counts of people, counts of money, counts of engagement, and empowering club owners or GMs to make those choices of what they would want to include and exclude and how they would want to see this information.
JVD: Yeah, for sure. All right, great. Next slide, Maria? Great. All right. This is the question that always comes up, right, whether it’s Reporting or now this is Performance Analytics, which, again, I want to be clear to everyone, these are two different things. We have Reporting built into the club management platforms. This is a separate product, Performance Analytics. A question that always comes up, Constance, you’re a data person, I’m sure you love to live in Excel spreadsheets and look at data and manipulate it and put it together and all those things, how easy is it to really use, and I think we’re going to show people, for the normal club operator that wants to get at data, doesn’t have maybe the same data background as someone like yourself?
CM: Absolutely. I do really like Excel. I will say this tool, the goal is accessibility and everything that we’ve just talked about to be simply a click. The concept, if I’m able to, for instance, interact with the tool, either with a mouse or if I’m dragging with a stylus or my finger, to expand a view just like you saw now, to drag over two months, for instance, and change the whole visual or the KPI that shows up, drill into the data and see it down to a lower grain, go from a month to week, week to day, which is what you see here, and then change that view on a whim, by a simple click, go back to what you saw before, and to be able to manipulate via choices simply by interacting and clicking through, clicking in, and checking boxes.
JVD: Yeah. And, again, I think you hit on a really important piece is the ability to drill down really easily. I think in one of the slides coming up, you’re going to show the fields and filters and things like that as well.
CM: Yes.
JVD: [inaudible 00:24:50].
CM: Yeah. Another example of what we just talked about is, you mentioned fields and filters, you can also save those fields and filters. If we have a favorite view of those choices that we just made, it’s easy enough to make them, and then you don’t even have to make them again. You could, for instance, do all that easy clicking, get the view that you wanted, and save it, and return to your bookmark list just like you would take a book off the shelf and retrieve that view instantly.
JVD: Yeah. Do you have the ability to send it to other people?
CM: You do. You absolutely do.
JVD: You get asked that question all the time.
CM: Not only can you save it. Not only can you save it, you can email it out and you can schedule that email to recur to whomever you want. You can also export to either PowerPoint or Excel the entire view that you see or down to … Say I just want one of those graphs, I can do it at the whole view level I’m seeing or click into … Let’s say we just wanted that monthly revenue graph, we can also do it just for that view.
JVD: Right. That’s great. Great. I think, yeah, next slide. Yeah, if you want to just walk through, again, the-
CM: Yes. We’ve been talking a lot about choices that you can make to change all of these, and we want to show, there’s that checkbox in that action of, in this case, revenue type, where you may be generating revenue in your club or facility. There are more powerful things you want to know when it comes to finances, down to location, a product type that was sold, a service type that was sold, maybe membership types that bought it. You’re seeing here when we say include, exclude, how quickly you could, for instance, choose one location if you had more than one and either zero in on it or kick it out of the count and simply apply it, say you like that view, save it. Right next to it, you’ll see a little arrow where, again, you can export it or email it out to others.
JVD: Yeah. And, again, we’re showing a few examples, really, at a high level from you, Constance, as you’ve spent the last almost couple of years on this. Just living in this world, from a usability standpoint, what is your experience on people using a product like this based on all of this information you’ve shown?
CM: That’s such a great question. The usability aspect is incredibly intuitive. I’ve gotten very few questions around how to do any of this. Honestly, the tool in itself, I think we may see this a little bit later, also has definitions. Not only do we have a help section right in the tool that has little videos of everything we’re seeing here if we ever want to know how to do one of these things, but it also, if you were to hover over something, tells you exactly what it is, and I will say it is impossible to break. All you would ever have to do is refresh your screen and start over, so highly clickable in terms of choices. Then if, for whatever reason, you don’t like what you did, there’s just a magic refresh button that starts you all over.
JVD: Yeah. We’ve talked about this, and we’re talking about this as a product. If you could, talk a little bit about … I think some people might ask the question, why does it take so long to develop something like this if we have a team of engineers and data scientists, et cetera? I think you gave a good example of building a skyscraper and what goes into starting to build that, below ground, above ground. Then, also, if you could just talk about where does this go from here? Is this something we release and it’s like, “Hey, this is what you get,” or how does it continue to be developed?
CM: Yes. Much like when you mentioned building a skyscraper, to your example, for those of you who’ve ever seen that. I grew up in a city, saw this a lot, I hope this resonates with folks. It looks like nothing is happening for a very long time when they’re going to build a skyscraper. They dig in the ground for the foundation and the infrastructure. I think we’re all familiar with that concept, and the same is true for data. Once that’s done, the skyscraper shoots up relatively quickly, compared to how long it looked like they were working. It’s one of the last things that happens, and the same is true with data.
Storing, organizing the data, cleaning the data, getting it to a point where all of it would surface in terms of product type and service type and these pieces, that indeed is quite an investment and a lift. We take the data from the operational system and completely organize it much like you would for a foundation of a skyscraper, and then the beautiful building goes on top. To your question about is it done, the answer is never. When it comes to a tool like this, we have endless additions, where once that foundation is strong, we can keep adding, keep improving, and we’re actually already working on additions to this particular skyscraper right now.
JVD: Yeah. Can you give us a sneak peek of some of the next phases?
CM: Yes, I can. We’re going to have additional views related to memberships over time. You actually did a great example when you were talking to the score so far of where we are with active, holds, terminations. As you can see in the tool, we do have movement of holds and terminations. We’re going to have additional views and a kind of snapshot where were we in terms of membership at any given time related to that, as well as additional comparisons. National is great. We went into this discussion knowing that it is incredibly valuable to be able to compare to a club like yours as well. Both of those are things that are actively being worked on now, and we have a nice long additions list after that. I will just sneak to those two.
JVD: Yeah. I’m going to push you a little further. When you talk about nationals, it would be things like getting to a regional level or maybe a similar club type basis on services you offer, so you can eventually just do a more relative comparison with the club you’re at?
CM: Very good question. Absolutely good examples. Things like imagine if in some of the drop-downs that we showed today, you could choose a club or facility with a similar size of membership that you have or maybe the same number of locations that you have, where those locations might be, to your point. Those would all be things which you’d be able to interact with like how we saw in the product drop-down, product type, where you could choose what that was. It would be right above that national comparison where you could drill into the comparison that made the most sense to you.
JVD: Great, thank you.
CM: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
JVD: I think it’s very clear to all of us data is really important, and I think what’s amazing about this tool … And when we look at data, again, it’s always that question, when you see data, what’s the action that it drives you to? Knowing that club operators are really busy doing a lot of things, what’s really powerful about this to me is that you can see this in real time visually with movement. I anticipate that if I’m looking at this every day and I see a spike, maybe it’s a spike down, right, or I see a spike up, those are both things that that’s out of the norm, whether it be to a national trend or a regional trend or to my own KPIs. At least, it’s a trigger right away to say, “Wow, I need to look into that a little bit more.”
And I think a lot of times, in the club business, we get some of that information lagging. I know when I had a club group in Indiana, a lot of times I’d get to the end of the month and we would go through things and we would look at data, and it was almost a little too late to go back and fix the problem, and we’d have to start over. Is that something that you see with a tool like this?
CM: 100%. Those are great examples. Obviously, I’ve spent almost two decades with data, and my favorite thing about it is that it changes the conversations that you go and have. By doing that, it changes two things, where you go investigate, where you get curious and go explore, like you said, in a proactive way in addition to a reactive way. We may want to say, “What did happen? What seemed to have happened to April or March, in example?” But we also want to have the flip side, the curiosity of what would change? What do I need to be thinking of to do next and then therefore go make a new decision around? Having a conversation I may not have had before and going to make a decision that’s just informed by additional information or a brand-new decision I may not have been making had I not been able to wrap my head in a really digestible way.
And that’s the other thing I like about it, is I do live in Excel, but Excel is not digestible. Excel doesn’t tell a story. It doesn’t smack you in the face with a trend. The goal of interacting with data in this way is that it’s going to pop where to go be curious and where to go have those conversations.
JVD: Yeah. I think it can go both ways.
CM: Oh, absolutely.
JVD: It can go on a negative side, is I think the one we all think about, what we’re missing. But it can also be on the positive side where, hey, this is something that we’re doing really well in. Let’s put gas on that fire and continue to promote that because we’ve found something in our area or our club that really works and to continue to promote that.
Great. Well, thank you, Constance, for all the information. I do think, Maria, we have time for some questions. We can turn it over to some of the live questions.
MM: Good. Here we go. All right. We’ve received quite a few questions. The first one … Let’s pull this up. Sorry. Bill has asked, Is it possible to break down the national trends to geographic regions?
JVD: Yeah, eventually. Right, Constance?
CM: That’s the two things I promised were actively being worked on, yes.
JVD: Yeah, and you can never nail product people down to an exact delivery date. Bill, you know that. But, yeah, that is [crosstalk 00:34:50]-
CM: I do appreciate the question.
JVD: …to go from national trends. And, again, just to go back a step, this is something we fast-tracked to delivery, to make sure we got it out in at least an MVP version, and we’ll continue to iterate on it. And, again, starting with national trends, we want to get to regional trends, and then there’s a lot of different ways we want to segment so that you can find like clubs to get, again, an ultimately better comparison. Really good question.
MM: And then I think it’s Raya has asked a more general question about … Just in general, clubs that have opened, how is business? What percentage of your customers have come back? She’s wondering what to expect.
JVD: Yeah, it’s a great question. What we’re seeing right now, and we’re tracking two sets of data, Constance and I are looking at this every day, is we’re looking at check-ins as one indicator and then revenue. Because there could be some clubs if they’re more, let’s say, tennis-specific that are opening tennis courts but they’re not having people check in. They’re using the scheduler and things like that. From what we can see across the country, is we’re at about 30% of the clubs that we service are open. But we are seeing that start to go up pretty quickly, and we expect that to be the case over the next few weeks.
I will tell you the club owners that I’ve talked to are positive about the reopening. Again, I talked to Jim at one of my clubs, and there’s data points around it. I think average check-ins are typically running at about 20% to 25% of normal, which is the kind of the limits, and they’re able to control that. The feedback that I’ve gotten also is that the asks to members on behavior, et cetera, that people are overall really buying into the proper behavior. Because it’s something we just didn’t know, right? We open it up, we clubs put all of the right guidance and protection in place, then we ask our members to behave a certain way, are they going to do that? And overwhelmingly I’ve heard that members are doing that.
I actually got a text this morning from Andy Haugen at the Princeton Club. They opened at 3:00 yesterday in Wisconsin, and I just asked him, and he said, “Hey, great first day. Lots of happy members. Feels great to be open. Free weights are by far the busiest.” Again, I think overall there’s just a positive energy about reopening. We still have a way to go to navigate this, when we get especially our revenue back up to where we want it to be, but overall, it’s been positive.
CM: Yeah, and I would say that’s such a good discussion, Jeff, when we were talking about leading versus lagging indicators of watching that engagement data move and then knowing that it’s going to go impact that revenue at a lockstep. The leading indicator would be more engagement with the club that we know would lead to a few days or a few weeks later affecting that revenue data.
JVD: Yeah. When you have this product, you can segment that and you can look at your membership data. Is that driving your revenue going forward or whether it be program revenue or if you’re starting to do camps or personal training? You can really look at this a little more granularly. Because I think as clubs we’re going to see different revenue opportunities and sources that aren’t going to be in the same ratio as normal.
CM: Absolutely. To the point about digging into the revenue data, we can organize it in such a way in the tool where if you like to do it by type like you just said, you can make that choice. If you want to get very sophisticated and get down to your accounting group or your general ledger, you can get that granular as well. However you want to go, as you mentioned, be curious or track how that’s going, there’s all those options.
MM: Marcos had a really good question. Is the data in the reporting up to the minute live, or does it refresh on some regular basis? And are there other comparison options to last me, excuse me, sorry, goodness, to last week, last month versus last year? [crosstalk 00:39:08].
CM: Yes. Let me answer that question backwards. Both the graphs themselves are organized in terms of week over week or month over month, but as we saw in some of those videos, they’re all interactive, so you can get one level lower. If I’m on the week view, I can click into the week and get it down to the day grain, and you can drill into them in that time way. From an up to the minute question, that’s an excellent question. The data in the tool is actually your close of business snapshot every day at midnight. It’s going to be the source of truth of what your score was or what the sum of all those activities were for each day. It will go down to the truth of the day for everything that we looked into.
JVD: Yeah. It’s actually an important point because otherwise every graph … And we were working on this before, we’d see this. Every graph on the last day would be a huge [inaudible 00:40:03] until it-
CM: Yes, it would be. Yes.
JVD: … if it’s in real time, right? It actually is helpful mentally and visually to see it at the end of every day when it’s aggregated.
MM: And then we’ve had another question in about … They’ve asked, “Can I separate new memberships from level changes? We have individual, couple, family. Does a move from individual to family get mixed in with legit new memberships?”
CM: Yes, and… Well, I shouldn’t say yes. The answer to that question is great because you will be able to follow your membership types. One of the ways that you can interact with your active membership is by membership type. I mentioned I kind of buried one of the things that we’re working on. I will be very specific about it right now. We’re going to enable the ability to define what new means. A join could be, for instance, I canceled my membership and a couple days later I joined, or I changed in the same day. Those right now, you will have the ability to define if I kept someone or if they truly were gone and came back. There’s a concept of, hey, if someone moved from or added a membership type or moved a membership type within one day, probably wouldn’t count them as a renewal or a rejoin or a keep. That is actively being developed as we speak by the team.
Right now, depending on the way that you logged those in the source system, so let’s say you changed membership types in Club Automation, whatever choices you made in that, if it looked like a brand new one or it changed one, that would pull over into the tool. If you changed it, it would not look new. If you canceled one and signed them up for another one, it would look new because that’s representing the truth of what happened there. To answer your question, there is this concept of did I keep you, did I get you back or did I keep you in a rejoin or a renewal that we are adding.
JVD: Yeah.
MM: We have time for two more questions. One, we received a few questions about this. Which software platforms is this available on, and is there a timeline for other platforms?
JVD: Yeah. It’s a great question. Right now, we are releasing this on the Club Automation platform. We do not yet have a release date for CSI Spectrum platform or the Tennis Source platform. Those are the three platforms in the club market. At this point, Club Automation is the initial release, and then it’s a date in the future for the other platforms.
MM: And then the last question that we have is from Bill. He mentioned the reports that, Constance, you talked about earlier in the presentation and has asked if they can be automated and sent out automatically to clubs within our organization.
CM: Yes, and yes. When you said some great words there, clubs and organizations, so that can be done all of security to this or access to this to the point of who should see what can be managed by you can create a view and you can automate it to send every day at 8:00 in the morning just automatically, whatever that view is to whomever you would like. You can also with someone who you would want to have access to … Let’s say, you’ve got one manager of a club and you truly do want them to see this data but just their physical facility. We do have security permissions down to that physical facility piece. You as a club owner could see all of your locations if you have more than one facility. In addition to can I send this to others, you can also grant access at that location level to share information.
JVD: For multi-sites, yep.
CM: Yes.
MM: All right. I think that’s about all the time we have. Jeff, Constance, I’m going to pass it back over to you both for some closing comments.
JVD: Yeah. I just want to first of all thank you, Constance, for all the work you and your team have done.
CM: Thank you.
JVD: This is really impactful on the clubs we serve, so not only the data that you’ve been providing over the last eight weeks during COVID, but also this product going forward is really impactful. Thank you.
CM: Yeah, we’ve been really happy to do it. I’m so excited about being able to put this in clubs’ hands.
JVD: Yeah. Overall, we really want to just thank all of you that have joined. We know that you guys are on the front lines of this, and, again, we’re just doing everything we can to come alongside, provide the right tools. I think of it as providing the air cover for the people on the front lines. Thanks for everything you’re doing. It’s exciting to hear of the clubs that are opening from the chat and to watch that progress. And, again, more data, we’ll continue to provide data. Then, again, for those of you who are interested in getting more information on the product, you can reach out to one of our account managers. Thank you. Thank you, Maria.