Club Automation recently had the pleasure of sponsoring an IHRSA Webinar presented by Larry C. Conner, President and General Manager of Stone Creek Club and Spa.
Stone Creek Club and Spa is a high-end, resort-style club in Covington, Louisiana. Mr. Conner is a leader in the industry with over 40 years of experience in a variety of club types, and we were honored to both attend and sponsor the webinar. Mr. Conner’s webinar, titled “How Workplace Culture Can Build Financial Success,” brilliantly aligned financial management with member management.
The presentation was filled with actionable takeaways, and one section especially stood out that focused on hands-on management.
When we talk about assets in the club industry, we tend to only focus on financial line items and inventory. That is important, of course, but many clubs are not focusing enough on their most important asset, their people.
The Oxford Dictionary defines asset as “a useful or valuable thing, person or quality.” Employing hands-on management begins by recognizing this definition; that is, your people are your club’s most important asset.
To build financial success at your club through workplace culture, hands-on management is critical. As opposed to micro-management, hands-on management involves being intentional behind the scenes. Mr. Conner calls out several key steps in this process:
- Define your vision. Every decision should be guided by and support your vision
- Carefully consider job descriptions and compensation
- Build a strong core management team
- Hire the right people
- Invest in orientation and make it relevant
During his presentation, Mr.Conner dives deeper into the comparison between Hands-On Management and Micro-Management.
- A hands-on manager is a coach and fosters teamwork to create more decision makers. A hands-on manager leads by example and has low turnover in management and key positions.
- A micro-manager heads a dictatorship that destroys teams and inhibits decision making. A micro-manager leads by directive and has high turnover in management and key positions.
Achieving financial success through workplace culture requires you to recognize the balance of the softer side of operations with the technical, plus a strong vision and purpose. According to Mr. Conner, this is your club’s formula for success: People, Culture, Service + Systems, Controls, Planning, Financial Accountability + Vision, Purpose.
Use the same management solution as Stone Creek to enhance your community’s experience. Schedule a demo today to see the leading club management software.