How to Generate Team Buy-In When Switching Club Management Software

Bridget Millsaps


May 31, 2023



minute read


May 31, 2023

Health Club Software

Change may be the one thing we can be certain of in life, but that doesn’t mean everyone likes it.

Transitioning to new fitness club management software can be a big decision, and getting your staff on board is critical to success. They need to be confident in your reasons for transitioning to new software so they can make the switch and keep your club running at the highest level.

The switch to a newer and better system requires adapting, but by listening to your staff’s concerns, communicating regularly, and providing adequate training, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition.

1. Communicate Clearly

Effective communication is key for implementing new management software in your fitness club.

According to a study by McKinsey and Company, clear communication can increase the success rate of change initiatives by as much as 30%. Companies with successful transitions were also likely to ‘take a greater number of actions’ toward a comprehensive implementation, along with relying on more ‘face-to-face communication’ with staff.

Take time to explain the reasons behind the software transition and connect them to your staff’s day-to-experience. Chances are new club management software will make their daily tasks easier and save them time. Clearly communicate how the transition will benefit them to get them excited about the process.

Ongoing communication throughout the process allows your team to feel heard and valued. Encourage everyone to ask questions and voice any concerns they may have. By ensuring an open and honest dialogue during the beginning phases and during training, you can increase your staff’s buy-in.

2. Involve Staff in the Selection Process

New management software will impact your entire staff. Build off their excitement from the previous step by giving them the opportunity to tell you what they need to succeed. From your front desk staff to your sales team, empower them to excel at their job like never before.

Once you’ve narrowed down your potential software options, bring your staff into the conversation. Choose a trusted representative from each department to evaluate how the new software could improve their area of work.

Include these representatives in demos and give them space to voice which features and functionality they’d like to see in the new software. This approach builds excitement and enthusiasm, which can grow to be contagious across your staff.

3. Provide Ample Training & Motivation

Comprehensive training and support are integral to excellent fitness club staff management.

Training guides and support from the software partner can make the transition more comfortable for everyone. Encourage staff to ask questions and voice any concerns about using the new software before, during, and after the transition. Allow staff to work together during the process, and provide feedback to identify any issues and find solutions quickly.

Continuing to keep your team motivated is critical to the process. Reward staff on their progress, acknowledge their efforts, provide incentives, and highlight their hard work and contributions publicly. By recognizing growth, you can encourage staff members to continue working hard and to fully embrace the new software.

Finding the Right Software Partner

Switching to new club management software can be a daunting task, but it's an essential step for fitness clubs that want to grow and thrive. We created the Software Buyer’s Guide to walk you through the process and make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Whether you’re trying club management software for the first time or considering a switch from your current provider, you’ll find everything you need to know to find your perfect software partner for your club.

Download the free guide to discover:

  1. A software must-haves checklist
  2. Which factors to consider when comparing providers
  3. Common complaints you can solve with the right software
Software Buyer's Guide Free Download

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