What’s happening in the fitness and athletic club industry? Since COVID-19 began to impact clubs of all kinds, the answer to this question has not been available industry wide.
Club Automation is excited to bridge this information gap by bringing an interactive monthly update to the industry, the Insights and Impact Report. The Insights and Impact Report is a monthly breakdown of data trends and insights so club leaders like you can make informed decisions. Knowing the health of your club is essential in powering through COVID now and in the future.
As the data trends change from month to month, so will the KPIs (key performance indicators) examined in the Insights and Impact Report. In its breakout version, June 2020, the KPIs analyzed are Back-to-Normal Percentage by Re-Opening Status, Active Memberships, Member Joins, Cancellations, Revenue, and Chargebacks. Clubs are opening at various times throughout COVID based on state restrictions being lifted. Being able to see the full scope of clubs’ health and where you compare in the process depending on your re-opening status is imperative. Performance Analytics make it possible.
Your club community deserves to know what’s happening in the industry, especially during these challenging times, and Club Automation is prepared to deliver that clarity.
The Insights and Impact Report is much more than a spreadsheet with data. At the end of each section, note a brief recommendation based on the trends identified that month. Take these data trends and key takeaways and use them to inform your business decisions.
As you fight for your communities, Club Automation is fighting for you. Visit the Insights and Impact Report, view the trends across markets, interact with the Club data, and even download a PDF to take with you.