Software Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose Your Fitness Club’s Management Software

Sara Perry


June 28, 2023



minute read


June 28, 2023

Gym owner using a computer.

Switching fitness club management software is a big decision, but it can be the right one if your current software isn’t meeting your needs.

Whether you’re on the fence or ready to switch today, these tips will help you navigate the process and show you what to consider when comparing providers.

How Do You Know It’s Time to Switch?

Knowing when it’s time to switch can save you time, money, and even members. Here are some signs that it might be time for you to choose new club management software:

You’re Juggling Too Many Platforms

Bouncing between software platforms can be overwhelming for everyone. Each platform has its own login process and user experience, which can make for a confusing experience and extra work for your staff as they familiarize themselves with the different platforms.

Managing your club through multiple platforms also makes it easier for important details to fall through the cracks. Whether data goes missing, gets misreported, or was never collected in the first place, data management gaps leave your club vulnerable to errors and uninformed decision-making.

If your club is suffering from these easily avoidable mistakes, it’s time to look for software that can eliminate them.

You’re Missing Key Features

In the ever-evolving world of fitness, it’s essential to keep up with industry trends and new tech. Without access to key features your competitors are using, you’ll find it difficult to deliver the exceptional experience your members are expecting.

Partner with a software provider who delivers innovative tools that can help you stay ahead of the competition. Not only will this enable you to provide exceptional member experiences, but it will also create exciting opportunities to increase sales and improve retention!

Your Staff is Drowning in Admin Tasks

Running your club is labor-intensive, especially when your staff is spending too much time on manual tasks. From inputting data to navigating payments, the tedious responsibilities of running a club can quickly add up. These small day-to-day tasks eat up time that would be better spent connecting with members and planning your growth strategy.

If you want to free up your time and focus on long-term strategy growth, investing in automation is key. By automating your admin tasks, you can ensure an exceptional member experience, reduce the risk of human error, and scale your club’s operations. Your club management software should automate as many mundane processes as possible without losing the personal touch that built your member relationships.

What to Consider When Comparing Providers

Cost isn’t the only factor to consider when choosing your club management software. Keep these factors in mind as you compare providers to avoid choosing the wrong partner.

1. Member Experience

Your club’s success is directly tied to member satisfaction. How will your new software improve the member experience? From accessing class schedules and checking in to streamlining the payment process, your software should make your member experience as convenient and intuitive as possible.  

2. Staff Experience

Your staff keeps your club running day in and day out. The software they use should make their jobs easier so they have more time to focus on serving members. How will your new software streamline their workflow and save them time?

3. Lead and Member Engagement

Your club management software should support your lead and member engagement. Tools like automated email tracks and lead generation forms should make it easy for you to engage leads, adjust your marketing campaigns, and measure success. How will your new software create opportunities for engaging members and boosting conversion rates?

4. Revenue Protection

Your management software should both safeguard your current revenue and provide comprehensive performance data. How will your new software grow your cash flow? Look for features that streamline the billing process, protect your revenue, and allow you to make data-driven decisions.

5. Data Analysis

Gaining an accurate understanding of your club’s operations is essential for making informed decisions and building a successful growth strategy. What insights into your club’s performance can your new software provide? Prioritize performance analytics tools that help you identify trends, track member behavior, and identify growth opportunities.

6. Your Software Ecosystem

Using multiple software solutions to manage your club can lead to redundancies, miscommunication, and stalled growth. Consider how introducing a new software solution will impact the other tools you use. Can your new software integrate with your other tools? Can it replace any tools and streamline your software ecosystem?

7. Onboarding and Transition Support

Transitioning to new software can be challenging. How will your new software provider support your staff during the onboarding process? Your provider should demonstrate a commitment to your staff’s success and have plenty of tools available to help you through the process.

8. Features and Updates

Seek a software provider who is committed to offering new features and administering updates. Regular updates indicate that they have a passion for innovation, can keep up with industry trends, and will listen to customer feedback.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Choosing the best fitness club software system is an overwhelming process. The Software Buyer’s Guide was built to walk you through it and make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Download the free guide to learn:  

  • Common complaints you can solve with the right software
  • How to get team buy-in when switching software
  • Which features to look for when comparing providers
Software Buyer's Guide Free Download

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Into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

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