December 2020 Club Industry Trends

Marissa Meyers


January 19, 2021



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January 19, 2021

The Club Division Health and Wellness Industry Trends for December

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In a year full of uncertainty and change, club leaders are looking for ways to navigate uncharted waters. When approaching the future, it’s helpful to know where you stand. How is your club or wellness center trending in comparison to your peers, and what does the data say about the health of months to come?

That’s where we come in. You need trusted information to inform decisions and tackle whatever may come next. Our monthly Insights and Impact report offers valuable insight into the state of the industry. From new member joins and check-ins trends to member holds and cancellation tracking, we’ve got the information you need to drive your club to succeed in the coming months.

December Overview

As 2020 closed out and COVID-19 cases continued to rise, we saw a slight drop in check-ins. Something to note, the month of December has historically seen lower numbers in check-in due to the disruption of the holiday season.

This year, many clubs proactively offered holds to their members, enabling them to take a break during the holiday season and come back to their clubs stronger in the new year.

As we enter what we’re calling the fourth quarter of the pandemic, challenges will remain. However, the steps we’ve taken to protect the fitness industry, coupled with news of a vaccine, gives promising indication that we will not only survive the fourth quarter, but thrive in 2021.


Member check-ins decreased in December. Member check-ins help assess industry health and forecast revenue sustainability.

Key Takeaways

Member check-ins saw a decrease in December, continuing along a downward trend that began in November. Increased COVID-19 cases coupled with a seasonal decrease in fitness facility visits due to holiday festivities and travels led to an overall downturn in check-ins.

However, even with the predicted slight decrease in check-ins, numbers stayed pretty level with the previous month. This stability speaks volumes to the work club owners have done to continue providing a safe and secure environment to their members and push through hard times.

How to Use Them

Check-in trends give club owners insight into how they can best engage their members. Your members may not be visiting your club in person, but they certainly want to continue feeling like a part of your community by maintaining a semblance of the routine they’ve created as a member of your club. To accommodate all your members, set up virtual programs hosted by your instructors, offer at-home workout programs, and continue encouraging your members from afar.

New Joins

New joins decreased in December. Member joins help assess industry health and forecast revenue growth.

Key Takeaways

Similar to check-ins, new joins decreased in December following a surge in COVID-19 cases. The same club closures and holiday disruption that affected check-ins likely had the same effect on new joins.

How to Use Them

With the year coming to a close, 2021 brings hope and opportunity. Many in your community will be looking for a fitness facility to call home. Going into the new year, make sure your club is the first that comes to mind when they’re searching for a fitness community. Prepare for an upsurge in interest in your club by updating your website and actively engaging your community on social media. Reaching people where they are—whether via a search engine or on Instagram—is the key to expanding your club.


Cancellations increased in December. Cancellation data helps forecast financial health and map the road to recovery.

Key Takeaways

With many states reclosing due to increased COVID-19 numbers, clubs experienced an increase in membership cancellations. We did see a smaller increase in cancellations than in previous months, as many clubs offered virtual classes and connected with their members outside their clubs.  

How to Use Them

Keeping the lines of communication open is key to keeping your members engaged and preventing future cancellations. Make sure members know about your club’s virtual workout options, safety protocols, and any changes or updates that arise. Offering a loyalty reward program can incentive your members to keep their membership despite challenges.


Holds increased during December as members experienced a busy holiday season and COVID-19 cases rose. Hold data informs general member sentiment and can predict future recovery.

Key Takeaways

Many clubs experienced additional holds in the month of December. With the rise in COVID-19 cases, many clubs had to reclose their doors, and as a result, members put their memberships on hold rather than cancelling. Though an increase in holds equals a decrease in short-term revenue, it’s a promise for future revenue when members return to their clubs. Holds indicate member dedication and loyalty to your club.

How to Use Them

Continue communicating with your on-hold members about how you’ve pivoted to serve them through the pandemic. Highlight your diverse offerings, the value you can provide, and why their health and wellness is more important than ever as we enter into the new year.

Know what’s happening in your industry. Explore the Insights and Impact Report today!

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