Why Tracking Member Satisfaction is Essential to Club Growth

Tara Massouleh


August 17, 2021



minute read


August 17, 2021

Ever wish you knew what your members were thinking? As part of a service-based industry, fitness clubs are largely dependent on their ability to satisfy members. To give members what they want, you have to know what they want; to know what they want, you have to ask. That’s why a strong customer feedback program is essential to growing your fitness club.  

No single avenue for feedback will encompass the thoughts of your entire membership, so the best strategy for gathering feedback is to vary your approach. Offering multiple ways for your members to express their thoughts not only makes it easier for everyone to get involved, but it creates a culture of openness within your club community. Make it clear to your members that their voices matter and that you want to hear from them. Here are five strategies that together can yield high engagement.  

1. Member-Driven Opportunities

Make sure the door is wide open when members have concerns or suggestions. A suggestion box, as cliché as it may seem, isn’t a bad idea. This can be achieved through a traditional physical box at your front desk or digitally with a website landing page where members can submit comments. Whether members get in touch through a Q&A board or by emailing a staff member, it’s crucial that you follow-up with members in a timely manner so they know their concerns were heard and are being addressed.

2. Survey Says

Often unless a member is dissatisfied, you don’t hear from them. However, gathering positive feedback can be just as important as hearing negative concerns. Enlist the help of your club management software to create targeted email lists based on member participation, then send regular surveys about specific programs and offerings to those who use them. A quarterly or biannual general survey sent to your entire membership can be a great way to gauge general satisfaction and find out what you can improve to better serve the needs of your members. Motivate members to fill out a feedback survey by making it as easy as possible for them to participate. Send it out via a mobile app or SMS messaging, so all they have to do is spend a few minutes clicking through questions on their phone. Ready to enact this strategy at your club? Find our sample survey here.  

3. Discover the Data

With the right tools, you can learn what your members like and don’t like without ever asking. Sophisticated reporting and data analytics can uncover mounds of information about your club, from which classes are most popular to what times and days during the week see the most check-ins. Reporting can also help forecast what future changes or additions to your club might yield positive results and higher member satisfaction.  

4. Online Awareness

In an increasingly digital world, individuals are regularly taking to the Internet to express their thoughts about products and services. Consumer reviews and online message boards about are picking up steam, as is discussion through social media. As such, it’s important to check each of these channels to keep up to date with what members and the public are saying about your fitness club. A health club management solution that also includes a digital marketing and websites team can be a huge help in keeping track of online feedback, managing your online reputation, and making sure your members’ concerns are seen, heard, and taken care of.  

5. Keep an Ear to the Ground

The last strategy for gathering member feedback requires is a little more qualitative and requires buy-in from your entire staff. Though members may not take time to formally lodge a complaint or express their love for your club via an online survey, it’s not uncommon for them to share their experience directly in a one-on-one conversation with a staff member or even a fellow club member. Keep your eyes and ears open for any sentiment—good or bad—you hear about your club and file it away to consider when focusing on how your club can improve in the future.  

By combining each of these tactics, you’ll not only increase your understanding of your members, but you’ll have the information you need to better serve them. When choosing a club management software, look for one that places a strong emphasis on the member experience and offers tools to help gather customer feedback. Ready to leverage member feedback to improve your club? See how Club Automation can help.

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A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

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